Most advanced QR Code Generator

QR Code Generator With URL

Make dynamic (for analytics and editing without re-printing)

QR Code Generator With Text

Make dynamic (for analytics and editing without re-printing)

QR Code Generator With V-card

Make dynamic (for analytics and editing without re-printing)

QR Code Generator With Phone Call

Make dynamic (for analytics and editing without re-printing)

QR Code Generator With Wifi

QR Code Generator With Whatsapp

Make dynamic (for analytics and editing without re-printing)

QR Code Generator With SMS

Make dynamic (for analytics and editing without re-printing)

QR Code Generator With Pdf

Upload your PDF:
  • PDF

QR Code Generator With Images

Upload your Images:
  • JPEG
  • PNG

QR Code Generator With App

App Logo:
  • JPEG
  • JPG
  • PNG

QR Code Generator With Youtube/Vimeo URL

QR Code Generator With Socials


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Customised Landing Pages

Track QR Codes

Customise Colour & Shape of Icons

Add Logos to QR Codes

Why Choose QRQuickly

By using the QRQuickly, you can easily track how many people have scanned the QR code, from where and on when.

Besides, if you are a novice in development, you can easily use our QR codes to make fully customised landing pages. No Coding knowledge needed!

  • Create dynamic QR Codes
  • Create Static QR Codes
  • Get QR code analysis
  • Prepare fully customised landing pages
  • Develop your own QR code with colour and shape choices
  • No professional coding knowledge needed

Dynamic vs Static QR Codes

The look of static and dynamic codes is similar. However, they are different in terms of changes, updates, statistics and tracking.

How to Use

Making QR Codes has now become very easy with the QR Generators from QR Quickly.

Create account on our platform and develop static and dynamic codes in less time.

Choose QR Code Type

Here, you need to choose the QR code Type. This will define what type of QR Code will work for you.

Fill the Required Field

Here, you will need to fill up the requirements that QR Code Type is looking for. For example, QR code Type “Link” will ask for the website URL.

Download & Share QR Code

Here, you can download and share the QR Code generated from the QRQuickly Dashboard and edit it when needed.

QR Code Types

Different QR code types you can use for Dynamic and Static QR codes

What are QR Codes?

QR Codes Means “Quick Response”

QR Codes were first created by Denso Wave in the year 1994 for tracking vehicles at the time of manufacturing. They quickly became famous when they are implemented in smart phones. Now, people can even scan QR Codes from phone camera.

Here are some of the benefits you can know about QR Codes and the most-popular QR code features.

Gather Feedback

You can ask for feedback from the users when they are scanning the QR Code.

Profile Cards

The physical profile cards are becoming obsolete these days and individuals are more focused on digital profile card varieties.

Describe Your Business

You can redirect the clients to the instruction page for business when they are scanning the QR Code.

Promote Events & Discounts

You can also promote any event or give discount codes when people are scanning the QR Code.

Frequently Asked Questions

Create account on our platform and develop static and dynamic codes in less time

What is a QR code and why do I need one?

The QR stand stands for Quick Response Code and it is the 2-dimensional barcode invested by Denso Wave in the year 1994. Now, QR Codes are used by lots of businesses.

My QR code is not working, what can I do?

There can be many reasons why QR code not works properly. First, you need to check the given data. Sometimes, the little typing mistakes in URL will break QR Code. Make sure that there is right contrast between background and foreground of QR Code.

How Does The Billing Works?

Try out our premium features by taking a 7-Day free trial. This will help you to have access to all the premium features for 7 days. Then, if you want the service, choose the plan from our options.

What Happen When You Want To Make Changes On QR Codes?

You can edit the QR Codes as much you want in the dashboard.

When I Will Get My QR Codes After Generating?

As soon you make the payment for product, the customised QR Codes will be created in the dashboard. The process takes just few minutes.

What Are The Requirements To Get The QR Codes?

You will need to tell what type of colour and shape you want for the QR Code, what type you want and some information that will allow you to make a perfect QR Code for your business.

Streamline Your Marketing with the Power of Custom QR Codes

Our QR Code generator generates custom static & dynamic codes as per individuals or business needs.